This Is Going To Hurt. Adam Kay

I flipping loved this book! Adam was a doctor working for the NHS who decided to write a book about the day-to-day events of working in our hospitals. The book is displayed in the way of diary entries of events that have happened in chronological order stretching over the many years that he served the…

The Catcher In The Rye. J.D. Salinger

Hello Lovelies!! Hope you’re all doing well during this crazy time.I have no idea what happened but picking up a book to read has been a real struggle.. and for me, that is really strange. Reading has been my go to, but boy, the struggle has been real. I haven’t taken so long to read…

When Breath Becomes Air. Paul Kalanithi

A deeply moving book that really stays with you after finishing the novel. After every time I picked up this book and read for a while I would sit back and truly reflect on Kalanithi, his words and his life. This novel brings to life the importance of what it means to really understand yourself,…

Escobar: Drugs. Guns. Money. Power. Roberto Escobar

When we were in lockdown, I, along with many of you had to find ways to keep entertained as the days passed. For me, some of the days from one to the other just merged together as I was doing the same thing continuously. I did make use of the Netflix account that I have…

Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets. J.K Rowling

I can tell you that I am not late to the party with this one. Harry Potter was a massive part of my childhood and was and still is one of the greatest series ever created. I have read all the books countless times and love it even more as I’ve reread it. It has…

The Picture of Dorian Gray. Oscar Wilde

A classic You know when you read a book, and at the end you take some time to reflect and think about the story you’ve just read, fiction or non-fiction; I was thinking about this for a long time! This novel is so cleverly written and presented in a way that truly makes you feel…

Modern Mindfulness. Rohan Gunatillake.

Modern Mindfulness was a rather intriguing book. I personally have never really ventured into these types of books because they have never really grabbed my attention in any form of way. Admittedly, I did not buy this book; it was actually a gift from a friend of mine who speaks quite fondly of mindfulness meditation….

A Game of Thrones. George R. R. Martin

I know, I am a bit late to the party on this one. I have actually had this book for a few years now as it was gifted to me for a birthday and I just never got round to reading it. I remember when the first ever series came out and everyone was ranting…

Barack Obama: Dreams From My Father

Dreams from my father is split up into three sections: Origin, Chicago and Kenya. In these three parts we are taught about the life, education and upbringing that the previous President of the United States had. We go on a journey of self-discovery with Obama as he finds himself and about his origins. How he…

Gweilo: A Memoir of a Hong Kong Childhood. Martin Booth

Gweilo is an autobiography by the man himself Martin Booth who died soon after this book was published in 2004. In this novel Booth takes us on a journey into the life he had as a child in Hong Kong when his father was based there in the early 1950’s. As a young boy, filled…