A Game of Thrones. George R. R. Martin

I know, I am a bit late to the party on this one. I have actually had this book for a few years now as it was gifted to me for a birthday and I just never got round to reading it.

I remember when the first ever series came out and everyone was ranting and raving about Game of Thrones and I was just in my little bubble not even knowing anything about it. I was at university when one of my flatmates suggested we watch it together, so I thought, why the heck not? Let’s see what the fuss was about. I’d be lying if I said I was hooked after the first episode but man come the end of the first series I was ready for the next one! Just so damn good! If I’m honest it didn’t really occur to me at the time to get the books until the first was beautifully wrapped a couple of years later.

Now that we are in lockdown, everyone has their own way of dealing with this very strange time. But for me it’s all about reading and finding a way to educate yourself and keep your brain stimulated; so I have taken up an online course to keep my brain active as an extra something.

A Game of Thrones is educational in the sense of the real creative world that George R.R. Martin created. All the different locations, the maps at the start of the book, the numerous characters with such unique and individual names. The language isn’t overly complicated which I like as I believe that that compliments all the creative aspects of the book to come to life; if it were more complex I think it would make things a bit confusing. I love the way that the book is split up into chapters by character as that gives us a real connection with each person. The novel is about the importance of duty, loyalty, family, kings, queens, lords and honest men; a definite one to read.

Hope you are keeping well and safe.

Nina x





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